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Thursday 28 July 2011

College Freak

"Shit! I'm already in college?! It's the beginning of the Jurassic period in my life! And I don't even have a BLOG yet! curse you PUBERTY" - Me whining about going to college.

Yes, I'm one of those typical college students who whine about going to school. Being very optimistic about going to college is very UNIQUE in a person. Since we are all unique in some ways WE ARE ALL THE SAME, WE ARE ALL UNIQUE. shit, I guess that didn't really make sense. Well let's start of with a little self-introduction: My name is Camille...okay this isn't working.... I'm Camille, a freshie in college, a self-proclaimed artist(yes! as my seniors would say "LIKE A BOSS") and a FREAK. I'm currently taking up AB Journalism but I don't really get the sense of writing. Well Journalism isn't just about writing, it's about expressing your inner thoughts(intervention mode :)). So THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT I HAVE OBSERVED IN THE BEGINNING OF MY COLLEGE LIFE:

1. While I was in high school I've always wanted to be a college student.....this sucks....I know it sounds corny but I REALLY WANNA GO BACK TO MY HIGH SCHOOL YEARS!
2. I always thought growing old was a part of life....nope I just discovered VICKI BELO..
3. I was immature back then.....nothing changed (so much for typing)
4. Never knew what a blog was till I saw a sign in our dorm saying "You ain't gonna know her If you don't have a blogger" which is shit and it made no sense at all...
5. still being immature: I keep on writing on walls and chairs... the weird thing is I keep on writing "NO VANDALISM"...
6. I'm really amazed at how these creatures(college seniors) seem to ignore the fact that they are ENTERING at the DOOR which has a big sign saying "EXIT"....non-readers...
7. I still talk to cats...
8. I still dance in public...
9. I still don't get the message of this ISO thing..... seriously?...
10. watching Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide didn't really help me when I stepped on the weird floors of our college dungeon..

.sleepy.tired.and hungry....bye for now....bored.. :))

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